*Much of the language used in the field of adoption is outdated and not reflective of current practices or understanding of this complicated process. Adoption Life uses language reflective of common terminology in blog posts in order to more effectively reach those searching for helpful adoption information, while supporting and encouraging the use of more positive adoption language whenever possible.*
Considering adoption is a difficult choice and something to be carefully considered. When women are facing an unplanned pregnancy, they may need to talk through their options with somebody in order to get a good idea of what feels right for them. Women considering adoption often are wrestling with questions such as how do I put a baby up for adoption? How do I find a good family for my baby? Can I have an open adoption and see my baby again? What are the next steps?
In considering one’s options, it is important to get accurate and current information. This can be accomplished by talking to licensed professionals with experience in the field of adoption. A licensed professional can give expectant parents a clear idea of what making an adoption plan could look like in their specific situation, and can also help connect expectant parents with the right adoptive family for their baby. Expectant parents can choose the family they want for their baby.
In making an adoption plan, birth parents should be empowered to make the decisions they feel are best for their baby. When working with professional and licensed adoption agencies who engage in ethical adoption practices, birth parents are supported and never pressured as they move through the process. Licensed adoption agencies will help parents understand their rights and also foster positive and long term relationships with adoptive families. This is called open adoption, and can be a beautiful and helpful relationship for birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees for the rest of their lives.
Utah has specific rules about how a parent can give a child up for adoption. In Utah, birth parents can give consent for an adoption 24 hours after a child is born, but not before. This may be done at the hospital or after discharge, but should not be done before a parent is ready to complete the required paperwork with a licensed professional. Once consent is given for an adoption in Utah, it is considered irrevocable. The process can be intimidating but when working with a local adoption agency such as Adoption Life, parents will be supported throughout the entire process.
It is critical that for children who are born in the State of Utah, professionals follow Utah laws and rules related to any adoption. Adoption may be a new process for you. Since it is part of a legal process, you will need guidance from experts and trained professionals to help you through each required step within your state. Adoption laws can differ significantly from state to state and it is important to get the right help right from the start. Keep in mind that not all family law attorneys or consultants specialize in adoption, or have the right experience to manage and finalize an adoption. Whether you choose to work with a licensed adoption agency or attorney, it is important to choose only experienced and ethical providers who present themselves professionally with your best interest at heart. This will serve to ensure that both the expectant parent and adoptive family have peace of mind that their adoption is being handled correctly by those who are licensed, follow best practice, and avoid legal difficulties later.
Adoption Life is an experienced licensed professional adoption agency in Utah and has a long history of providing excellent adoption services in the state. We employ licensed professionals throughout the state so that they can provide expectant parents and adoptive families with the best support, local and genuine knowledgeable care. Adoption Life provides services to expectant parents for free. It should never cost anything for an expectant parent to get information about adoption or place a child for adoption. In addition, Adoption Life is knowledgeable about Utah laws pertaining to adoption and will ensure expectant parents rights are always protected, and any adoption proceeds in a legal manner to protect all parties involved.
If you are curious about what adoption in Utah looks like, or maybe considering if adoption is right for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We have kind, caring and dedicated professionals, ready to help you consider your options and help you create an adoption plan if that is what you choose. Contact us now through call or text at 801-404-1664 or [email protected]. If you are pregnant and considering adoption, we would love to be of help to you, without any pressure. You do not have to figure this out alone, and we are here to help. All calls and information remain private and confidential.