I have the Right to:
- Be treated with respect, dignity, care, and individualism at all times by all agency representatives.
- Be free from illegal or improper discrimination.
- Choose whether to place a child for adoption.
- Have all questions or concerns addressed in a timely, respectful manner.
- Develop a unique, individual adoption plan.
- Select an adoptive family to parent their child, and to be satisfied that the family they select is suitable for adoption.
- Be heard on whether an adoption will be open or closed and the level of openness desired.
- Have clear understanding regarding the relinquishment process.
- Receive information about financial support available through the agency from prospective adoptive parents, as well as through local community resources.
- Have no undue pressure, duress, undue influence, misrepresentation, or deception regarding the decision of adoption.
- Receive independent, legal counsel.
- Receive medical care for the pregnancy.
- Receive counseling regarding the adoption decision.
- Be assured of privacy of information and privacy for both current and closed records.
- Be able to express a grievance or complaint.
- Communicate by telephone or in writing with family, attorney, physician, clergyman, and case worker, except when this is considered contraindicated by the licensed clinical professional.
- Send and receive mail so long as security, general health and safety requirements are met.
- Receive referrals to appropriate community resources, including but not limited to housing, counseling, Medicaid, and other medical resources, even if they decide not to complete the adoption plan.
- Not be required to reimburse the agency or the adoptive family for any living expenses or costs of prenatal care paid by Adoption Life or prospective adoptive parents.
I Have the Responsibility To:
- Be forthcoming and honest in all communication with the staff at Adoption Life.
- Be forthcoming and honest with the prospective adoptive family.
- Comply with all the rules of the program at Adoption Life.
- Comply with the agreements as to openness.
- Take responsibility for all medical costs related to pregnancy, including prenatal care, labor, delivery and all hospital, physician, lab, and other medical services received, if they choose not to complete an adoption plan.