Case Management Services

Adoption Life will support you through the entire pregnancy, placement, and post-placement process. You will have access to a specific adoption professional who is experienced, compassionate, and available to you when you need. A case manager is here to help you navigate the process of making your adoption plan, seeking out and accessing important resources, and making important decisions related to the adoption. Adoption Life will take the lead in personally connecting you with important resources to meet your immediate and long-term needs and goals. These resources aren’t always directly about adoption.

Some of your immediate needs may include help finding a doctor, midwife, or doula, finding a hospital or birthing center, and working with insurance-related issues. Other needs may include assistance in finding employment, education, and therapists who specialize in non-adoption-related mental health issues. We want to support you in having a healthy pregnancy and delivery and can help advocate for you whenever necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

It does not cost a birth parent any money to make an adoption plan or to place a child for adoption. Case management services are provided to a birth parent at no cost. Additionally, Adoption Life can help you in accessing resources that may help with financial needs during your pregnancy and after.

Adoption Life will help you with options counseling, making a personalized adoption plan, connecting with the right family, financial planning, connecting to helpful community resources and support, connecting with other birth parents, and staying connected with important resources following placement. In short, we’ll put together a personalized plan of support that meets your unique needs and your unique situation.

Yes, birth parents generally choose a family they would like to place their child with. Adoption Life works with families who have been screened through the home study process and meet the requirements to serve as an adoptive family. It is important that birth parents feel comfortable with the adoptive family they choose. Birth parents can choose to maintain ongoing contact with the family (with adoptive parent consent) or can choose to limit contact. Adoption Life can assist an expectant parent in identifying qualities that are important to them, and assist them in selecting an adoptive family they feel comfortable with.

In an open adoption, the birth parents communicate with the adoptive parents regarding the child and his or her development. This can happen to varying degrees and is unique to each adoption situation. In many open adoptions, the biological parents continue to have contact with the child and his or her adoptive family after the adoption happens.

There are many benefits to open adoptions for all parties involved.  Adoption Life can help you determine what level of openness feels right to you.
